

Own.Solutions, a new company born out of the European division of the international corporation Afterpay Touch Group, developed a platform for financial software product and service development. Their goal was to bridge the gap between consumers in the physical world and digital economy players through their network of convenience stores and partnering IT companies.


Own.Solutions sought to simplify their complex concept into a clear and concise visual identity to enter the competitive financial technology market. Their platform aimed to facilitate safe and easy money transactions between physical and digital currencies.


Zambelli Brand Design created a comprehensive brand strategy for Own.Solutions, defining their target group, brand positioning, voice, and personality. The brand's visual identity, inspired by the symbolism of the point in the company's name, centered around a circle and arc representing the bridge between the digital and real world. Fresh green and wise purple were chosen as distinctive colors to stand out in the financial sector, while the brand voice reflected professionalism and trustworthiness with a hint of innovation.

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The developed brand strategy and visual identity positioned Own.Solutions as a modern and approachable player in the FinTech space. The logo and implementation across corporate materials, presentations, and the website conveyed the brand's inviting and innovative technology, sparking curiosity among potential clients and investors. The brand successfully communicated its promise of safe and easy financial transactions, setting itself apart from traditional and rigid FinTech brands.

Fields of work:

Brand strategy

Brand verbal identity

Brand visual identity


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